Wednesday, May 9, 2012

7-Year Old Math Ninja Masters All Four Operations!

On May 1st, Eric from Rosebud answered 72 divided by 9 in less than 1 and 1 quarter seconds and became the youngest Math Nina in Todd County! And he's only 7 years old!

I wanted to find out what makes a true Math Ninja tick, and submitted a few questions to Eric. Here is what he had to say:

How did you get so good at Fastt Math?
Eric: I practiced and worked really hard.

Do you think math is fun? If so, why? What makes it fun?
Eric: Yes, I like math and it helps me get smarter.

What other subjects do you like?
Eric: I also like science.

What about hobbies? What do you like to do when you aren't in school?
Eric: I like to read when I am not in school.

What is the last book you read and LOVED?
Eric: I read Mickey Maloney's Mail. In the book, you get to read his mail, faxes, and emails.

Do you have any sisters? Brothers?
Eric: I have three sisters. They are always disagreeing with me.

What advice do you have for kids who want to become better at Fastt Math?
Eric: Practice at school and take home some facts you don't know and practice.

Finally, Eric, what is something you WONDER about?
Eric: I wonder if I can get Calculus done in 3rd grade?

Haha! I don't know about 3rd grade - but you are well on your way, Eric. Keep up the fabulous work ethic and there is nothing you won't do!

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