Thursday, March 17, 2011

An Illuminating Experience for He Dog 4th Graders!

Students at He Dog see the light as they work with arrays, factors, and multiples.

Ms. Rozier has a fantastic - REALLY - blog set up for her 4th grade students at He Dog.

Skedaddle on over there and say hello!


  1. Woah! Ms. Rozier, you and your students are awesome!! I love the blog and can't wait to share it with my students. Please pass my awe on to your incredible readers, writers, and mathematicians! I particularly liked how so many of your students were posting about other students' work. Thanks He Dog 4th Graders for being willing to share, I can't wait to see what you all do next :)

    -Ms. Haswell

  2. Thanks Ms. Haswell! The students really like using the blog. I keep changing and modifying it to fit our needs. It was a little bit of work to get it set up, but now its maintenance is pretty easy. Let me know if you set one up for your students. We could do a project of some sorts together! It would be fun to have our students communicate back and forth.

    Thanks Chris for posting on the page. The kids really enjoy reading your notes!

  3. Hey Ms. Rozier! I just commented on the blog - sorry it took me so long to get back to you! I would LOVE to set up a class blog, but that might have to wait until next year :/

    Anybody have any ideas for a fun 4thish grade joint classroom project?? Maybe something with logopaths or sketchpad? My kiddos are also really into geoboards - a real-life fraction/decimal project could be pretty cool as well... Super excited to get this future project off the ground!
